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New purchase by Soureth Holsteins

New purchase by Soureth Holsteins

1 Jun 2018 in News

We are proud to announce the purchase of KCCK Jordy Annise Red!

Annise is a very nice, well balanced and very stylish heifer. She also has a great pedigree and tremendous numbers!

Annise is a Cycle-Farms Jordy Red heifer out of MS Apple Anara Red, an Integral straight from KHW Regiment Apple Red EX96!

Annise is the #2 PTAT red heifer of the breed, and also #1 Conformation at +19 and has DGV +21!

Her numbers are PTAT+3.84 UDC+3.53 and FLC+3.04!







Picture above is KCCK Jordy Annise Red, 6 months of age.

Annise is boarded at Rosedale’s Boarding in Paradise, owned by Mark and Nicky Rueth, and will get the best care possible!








Picture above is KHW Regiment Apple Red EX96, granddam to Annise

For more information on Annise, check her out regularly at http://www.sourethholsteins.com/home/en/koefamilies/kcck-jordy-annise-red/

Feel free to visit our guestbook and fill in our contactpage if you would like to know more about this fantastic young heifer.

We are thankful for the opportunity to buy Annise and would like to thank Kruse Farms for making her available!




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